Thursday, August 7, 2014

Update on Kindergarten Orientation

Due to the school closure on Friday, 8/8/2014, the Kindergarten Parent Orientation has been rescheduled to Monday, 8/11/2014, from 8:30 - 10:00 a.m.  ALL kindergarten parents should report to the cafeteria for a presentation by the teachers on curriculum and other school procedures.

Students in Group A should come to school as scheduled on Monday and report to the cafeteria at 8:30 a.m. along with their parents.  From there, our IRA Resource Teachers will provide supervision of students during the kindergarten teacher presentations.  After 10:00, Students in Group A will report to their classrooms for the rest of the school day and be dismissed at 2:05 p.m.

Students in Group B will attend school on Tuesday, August 12 as scheduled.  (Please do not bring them with you to the orientation on Monday.)

On Wednesday, 8/13, kindergarten students will start attending school with their whole class.

(Note:  Plans are subject to change due to changing severe weather conditions.)

Please continue to check our school website and other social media links for more updates.