Friday, May 9, 2014

Summer School Update

Any family who turned in payment and application will be able to attend summer school.

Official letters of acceptance will be sent out on Monday, 5/12/14.

We'll be able to offer the following classes:

Kindergarten - 2 classes
1st Grade - 2 classes

Kindergarten and 1st Grade classes will rotate among 4 teachers who will teach math, computers, PE, and art.

2nd Grade - 2 classes
3rd Grade - 2 classes

2nd and 3rd Grade classes will rotate among 4 teachers who will teach math, PE, Hawaiian Studies, and technology.

4th Grade - 1 class
5th Grade - 1 class

4th & 5th Grade classes will rotate among 2 teachers who will teach science, math and computer game design.

Continue to check our school blog for updates and announcements.

More information and class assignments will be sent home soon.