Enjoy Dinner with Santa...
(A fundraiser for Mililani High School Project Graduation)
Date: Friday, December 16, 2011
Time: 5 pm to 9 pm
Location: Mililani High School Cafeteria
Menu: Pasta Bar, Dinner Roll, Vegetables, Salad, Desserts
Activities are open to all children: face painting, jump house, pillow and name tag decorating, arts and crafts, and picture with Santa? Also, special appearances by Miss Teen Hawaii World and Mrs. Hawaii!
First 50 keiki get to visit the candy bar with their golden ticket!
Pre-sale Dinner Tickets - Adults and Keiki age 10+ $10.00
(Tickets will be $12.00 at the door)
Keiki Age 2 to 9 $6.00
Keiki Under 2 No Charge
Click here to download order form.
Order Deadline: December 7, 2011
Questions? Email MHS_ProjectGrad@yahoo.com