Thursday, November 18, 2010
Book Fair - Mahalo!
A great big MAHALO to our students, teachers, parents, and the Mililani Community for making the Mauka Book Fair a great success! We will be using our profits to update our collection and purchase technology for the library. You also generoulsy donated books to the American Cancer Society Childhood Cancer Program "Familes Can*Sur*Vive Camp" that is held each year in November. We also had a great parent volunteer crew to make this Book Fair possible - thank you to all of them.
Cash Profits: $5,102.87
American Cancer Society Book Donations: $496.02
Janet Smith
Janet Kawabe
Lynn Hamasaki
Andrea Owens
Yuki Scott
Andy Scott
Catherine Nguyen
Chin Nguyen
Tina Simpson
Anila Yiu
Fran Oyama
Marla Kawamura
Cheryl Mcquire