Monday, February 8, 2010

Character Counts! (sm) Week - Feb 16-19

According to the Hawaii Board of Education Policy 2109, "character education is the process through which students are provided opportunities to learn and demonstrate democratic principles and core ethical values such as civic responsibility, compassion, honesty, integrity, and self-discipline."

Please help us as we celebrate Character Counts!(sm) Week at Mililani Mauka:
Tuesday - Wear Purple for Citizenship
Wednesday - Wear Red for Caring
Thursday - Wear Green for Responsibility or Orange for Fairness
Friday - Wear Yellow for Respect or Blue for Trustworthiness

Throughout the week, students will also get to participate in a variety of activities during the lunch period.

And on Saturday, February 20, please join us at the Mililani Town Center for our Character Counts!(sm) Celebration - sponsored by the public schools in the Mililani Complex Area. There will be informational displays from community organizations, games & prizes for the children.

We look forward to seeing you there and hope that you'll take this opportunity to talk to your children about the six core ethical values encouraged in our schools.