Thursday, March 10, 2011

SOAR Hawaii

Student Online Achievement Resources (SOAR) is a FREE program for all Hawaii students in grades 3-12 (both military and non-military students are eligible).  It is an innovative program that makes it easy for parents to play an active role in their child's education.  SOAR is designed for use in the home and is easily accessible.  SOAR is an internet-based application.  Students take an assessment aligned to state standards, and SOAR directs them to individualized tutorials to improve skills where needed.  Parents can monitor the progress of their children from anywhere, and are provided with resource materials.

New (for Secondary Students) - SOAR now offers free SAT and ACT test prep programs for students users.
  1. Go to
  2. Register yourself and your children for a FREE account.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Summer School 2011

Please see below for information on Summer School 2011:

Krissy Barrett, Kindergarten Teacher, 626-3350, ext. 2273
Johnna Jacobsen, Grade 5 Teacher, 626, 3350, ext. 2281

Program:  Enrichment & Review for Kindergarten to Grade 4
Dates:  June 1 to July 1, 2011
Holidays:  King Kamehameha I Day (6/10);  Furlough (6/17) and Furlough (6/24)
Time:  8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Tuition:  $127.00

Registration Dates:
For students currently attending Mililani Mauka:  April 4-8
For all other students:  April 11-15

Informational Flyer & Application Form will be distributed during the week before spring break.