Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Teacher Appreciation Week - May 2-8

National Teacher Appreciation Week provides us with a unique opportunity to express our gratitude to teachers. The Mililani Mauka Elementary proudly joins schools and communities across the nation in celebrating National Teacher Appreciation Week, May 2-8, and National Teacher Day, May 4.

A signed proclamation celebrating our teachers is attached. NEA’s Teacher Thank You Project will unveil a virtual mural with thousands of cards from celebrities, athletes, lawmakers, notable public figures, and individuals. Add your card or download/print a Teacher Day 2010 Poster (go to Artwork) at http://www.nea.org/ under "Grants and Events."

Monday, April 12, 2010

PTO Meeting - Wed, 7/14, 6 pm

Who:  Parent Teacher Organization
What:  Meeting
When:  Wednesday, 7/14
Time:  6 pm
Location:  Library

On the Agenda:  Fundraising for next school year

Friday, April 9, 2010

Summer School Registration Continues

Yesterday, 4/8/10, was the last day of summer school registration exclusively for Mililani Mauka Students. 

Starting next week, registration will be open for any students currently in grades K-4.

Summer school will be held June 7 to July 6 from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm.
The cost of tuition is $107.00.  Payment is required at registration.

Currently, there are still a limited number of openings in each grade level.  As classes become full, students will be placed on a waiting list and parents will be called as space becomes available.

Our summer school director is Kyle Shimabukuro (626-3350, ext. 2227).
Applications are also available for download at: Summer Application 2010

Science Club Launches Rockets

Yesterday afternoon, the science club launched their rockets.

HSA Testing Completed

Today was the final day of HSA Testing for 4th graders.  Students in 3rd and 5th grades finished on Wednesday.  It took extra effort from the whole school community to make this a positive experience where students can show what they know.  Mahalo!

Make-up testing will occur during the next week for students who were absent.  Results will be published and made available to parents in August.  Thank you for your continued support.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

News from Mililani Middle School

Incoming 6th Grade Track Change Requests
For incoming 6th grade parents requesting a track change, forms for doing so will be available at the middle school office from April 12-16.  Forms are due back to the registrar's office by April 16.  A priority number will be assigned to each track change request.  Priority number will be randomly selected;  not first come, first served.

MMS School Community Council
There will be an informational meeting in the MMS cafeteria on Tuesday, April 20 at 6:30 p.m.  On the agenda will be the calendar for school year 2011-12 and plans on how the school will transition from the current 3-track calendar to a 4-track calendar.

For up to date information, check MMS website and blog:

Kindergarten Makes a Difference!

Students in Kindergarten participated in our most recent recycling drive. Recycling aluminum cans and plastic bottles not only helps the environment, but also raises money for technology and student activities. They're learning that they can make a difference! Mahalo!